We are responsible for keeping your home in a reasonable state of repair and carrying out maintenance work to the buildings as well as the grounds. We do not maintain any garden areas which are your responsibility under the tenancy agreement. We engage contractors to do all of our maintenance work.
If you want repairs or maintenance work done inside your unit, please report it to us on 0800 430 101 as soon as possible. Urgent and emergency repairs will be attended to immediately as they are reported.
Staying safe and secure
Please take care to lock all doors and close all windows if you are going out. Keys are not to be left under the mat, in a letterbox or under a pot plant!
If your village includes shared facilities, these must be kept locked when not in use.
Property inspections
We undertake inspections every six months. The purpose of the inspection is to:
• Check the condition of your home.
• Check for any repairs or maintenance that might be required.
• Make sure that there are no breaches of the tenancy agreement.
• Ensure that your home is safe.
• Ensure that your home is secure and that all locks, latches and catches are working properly.
We will contact you at least 48 hours in advance to arrange a suitable time. If defects are identified during an inspection, we may need to come back and re-inspect once things have been fixed. We will give you notice if we need to do this.
If you have any concerns relating to a property inspection, please contact us on 0800 430 101.
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