
at home

Protecting yourself against COVID-19 – we’ll help you through it.

Since the start of the outbreak, the Haumaru team have remained connected with tenants by phone, newsletters, online and via village drive-throughs. We have also visited individual tenants where there has been concern. These measures have upheld physical distancing rules, allowing us to touch base with 1,527 tenants in 1,367 homes.

We want to make sure that our tenants, their friends, and their family members have quick and easy access to the information and services they may need during this time. We know our tenants feel well supported and cared for, but unfortunately there are some older people outside our villages who may not be so lucky. We’re in contact with many providers of welfare and social services and are more than happy to use our connections to help all older people in our wider community.

First and foremost you can contact us on or by calling on 0800 430 101 if you’ve any concerns or require additional support. Please be reassured that you’re not alone and we’ll always help in whatever way we can. We are available 24 hours a day on our hotline if you need us.

We’ve also developed a database of Auckland-wide and local community groups offering support to older people during the lockdown. We join the many other sources of information that are available. The main one's being the New Zealand Government's dedicated site and The Ministry of Health.

Click through to the Support Services section for access to essential services and community assistance, which may help you ease the sources of stress during isolation. The crisis is an evolving situation meaning what you need to know, or help you might require, will change over time. Our aim is to keep abreast of this fluid situation as best we can. There are many more local groups making direct contact with our tenants with offers of support. If you have a service to add to this section we welcome feedback from you to ensure we are continuing to meet your needs.


Support Services

A database of services offering support to older people. Essential support services are operating during New Zealand's COVID-19 Alert Level's. In this section you'll find a variety of online shopping links, helplines, communities to connect with, and financial support services.

Support Services
link to share newsletter

Need a hand?

Contact us on 0800 430 101